A s far back as I can remember, music has always been a major attraction to me. I was always asked as a child what instrument I’d like to take up and, without hesitation, drums would always come into my head!
My dreams became reality at the age of 13 when I picked up my first pair of drumsticks back in Year 9 at secondary school. After receiving 2 very valuable years of teaching at school, my mind had already opened up to the incredibly rich world of rhythm and groove. I’d listen to CDs or music on the radio and imagine how the drum parts would be played. Soon enough, I developed the ability to use my ears to convert the patterns I was hearing onto the drum kit.
"I started my drumming life as someone who was very good at hearing music and having the memory to play it back how I’d imagine it to sound"
"As far back as I can remember, music has always been a major attraction to me"

To me, there are three types of musicians.
Musicians who are classically trained and read music flawlessly, musicians who can improvise and have a natural ability to jam, or musicians who have both qualities. I like to embrace all three types. I started my drumming life as someone who was very good at hearing music and having the memory to play it back how I’d imagine it to sound. But after being taught how to read music, it quickly becomes clear that you can discover a virtually unlimited amount of rhythm out there in the world.
With this project, I aim to bridge the gap between players who read well but find it hard to improvise freely, and vise versa.
In July 2010, I graduated at the University of Portsmouth with a degree in BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology. It’s also worth pointing out that the website content (videos, audio, artwork etc) is all created and edited by myself.
I enjoy the engineering and technical side of music just as much as the playing side!